Birth Parent Reunion Counseling

Contemplating Your Birth Parents

Growing up, you always knew you were adopted. Though you were curious, you never tried to find your birth parents. You felt okay with it, but there was always an empty spot inside.

Every time you walked down the street and saw someone who looked like you, you couldn’t help but wonder if they could be your mother or father. In fact, you still fantasize about who they are and what they are like.

Ancestrally Related Strangers

Then suddenly, everything changed. You joined Ancestry or 23andMe and found your biological family. But what now?

You’re related, yet strangers. You have no idea where to start and are wondering if you’re even ready to meet them.

Familial-Relationship Building with Strangers

I specialize in helping individuals like you prepare to meet their new relatives.

Combining many years of counseling others together with my own personal experience, I understand exactly where you are.

I will teach you how to fast-track relationship building with “genetic strangers” or find closure and rewrite your genetic family narrative.

Developing Best Strategy

Don’t waste another minute worrying how to work through your relationship with your birth family. Together, we can develop a plan and work through the process, whether positive or challenging.

You don’t need to be in this alone. I can help, and I understand.

Call today (516) 410-8241 for a free consultation to get started!