Choice Theory/Reality Therapy Coaching

Same Behavior, Expecting Different Outcome

Why do we do the things we do and make the choices we make? We do this because we are trying to find love and belonging, success, independence, or just fun and more freedom.

The problem is that we don’t always know how to meet these needs in a way that is helpful and beneficial.

How often do you find yourself repeating the same patterns of behavior again and again?

Perhaps you find yourself unable to maintain good relationships, or improve your mood or stick to good habits.

We keep endlessly repeating the same bad choices while expecting a different outcome.

Fulfilling Desires

Everything we do is designed to meet four social-emotional needs, which include looking to fulfill our desire for love and belonging, success and competence, freedom and independence, and fun and learning. Always!

No matter what you are doing, one or more of those needs is trying to be met somehow. Sadly, we either ignore those needs or try to meet them in an unhealthy or unproductive way.

Seeking Fulfillment in Relationships

One of the biggest areas of struggle is in relationships with other people. It doesn’t matter if it is family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers.

Relationships are at the core of our social-emotional health.

If you find yourself judging, complaining, nagging, threatening, criticizing, blaming, or punishing, you will likely have bad relationships with people.

On the other hand, if you support, encourage, respect, trust, listen, accept, and negotiate differences, you will likely have great relationships.

The better a person’s relationship is with other people, the happier and more satisfied they will feel.

Fulfillment: Possible!

With Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, you learn how to identify which needs are not being fulfilled adequately and to get them met in helpful and appropriate ways.

You also learn how to establish positive and fulfilling relationships.

My 6-month program helps people understand their basic needs and how to meet them in a way that is positive, helpful, and empowering. They learn how to make better choices about their life and relationships.

Teenagers Allowed

If any group of people has a reputation for making bad choices, it is teenagers!

Making good choices and getting along better with the important people in their lives is vital to successfully negotiating adolescence.

I offer an adolescent program for children struggling with difficult choices such as drugs, peer pressure, sex, the constant draw of social media, and the stresses and depression that can emerge.

If you believe your child can benefit from making better choices and improving relationships, call today and see what Choice Theory and Reality Therapy can do.

When it comes to teenagers, Reality Therapy keeps it real!

Call today (516) 410-8241 and make an appointment for a free consultation. It will be the best choice you make!