Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Hostage to Negative Thoughts

No matter what you do, you can’t seem to get rid of your painful intrusive thoughts. You have nightmares and are constantly going to dark places in your mind.

You think perhaps you might have PTSD or some other traumatic experience. These recurring negative thoughts and feelings are harming the quality of your life and impacting all your relationships.

You are a hostage to your past. Perhaps bad events happened years ago, even decades, but they feel just as strong and painful as if they happened yesterday.

You just want it to stop!

Lifeline to Healing

One day someone mentions something called EMDR to you, or maybe you came across it on the Internet. It sounds weird!

You are asked to think about painful thoughts, then positive thoughts, and you are asked to follow the therapist’s hand as it is waved back and forth in front of your eyes. What? Yes, it’s true!

Process of EMDR

Through bilateral stimulation (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic) which might implicate Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and unconscious thoughts, people are able to better and more quickly process those memories and the accompanying thoughts and feelings.

Then, they begin to heal at a deep level.

Through a structured protocol of treatment, negative thoughts, feelings, and memories are identified and de-sensitized. They are replaced and reprocessed with less strongly emotional and negative experiences and are instead remembered in a more rational, objective, and realistic way that is caring, forgiving, and supportive.

Proven Technique to Diminish Trauma

Skeptical? Don’t be. Many people report astounding results with EMDR.

You no longer need to be a victim of the past.

You can put your traumatic memories and experiences behind you and start living for today.

Call (516) 410-8241 now and see if EMDR is right for you!