Logotherapy Coaching

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

– Horace Mann

Running in Place

Everyday seems like the same thing over and over. A real-life version of “Groundhog Day.” You go through the motions but with very little feeling.

Work, home, maybe the gym, maybe a drink at the local bar (or coffee shop) with a friend or co-worker.

Perhaps you drive the kids to little league or dance recital. Then, there is dinner and watching TV until time go to sleep and do the same thing all over again.

Sure, you mix it up occasionally by going shopping or having a night out at a restaurant. But there is a routine and sameness that is soul-killing.

Seeking Meaning

Sometimes, when it is quiet, you ask yourself, “What am I here for and what was I meant to do with my life?” These questions are asked by everyone at some point in their lives.

A lack of meaning and purpose can cause a sense of emptiness, apathy, depression, and hopelessness. Finding a reason for living is something that no other species can do – only humans.

People have an innate need to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Those that do report being happier, more satisfied, more hopeful, and optimistic.

Finding that purpose and meaning is easier than you think!

Learning Your Life’s Purpose

I help people find more meaning and purpose in their lives. They don’t find it; they simply discover the meaning that already exists.

Viktor Frankl said, “We do not ask life what the meaning of life is. Life asks us, what is the meaning of your life? And life demands our answer.”

Finding that answer is the most important journey you will ever take in this life. It is a quest filled with excitement, challenge, and purpose.

I will guide you on this journey and help you discover how to create and develop a fulfilling and satisfying life.

Journeying Together

I offer a 12-week program founded on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life of purpose.

Logotherapy is the pursuit of that meaning for one’s life. No matter what else we may have and do, life without meaning is empty and void.

Please call now (516) 410-8241 and begin that journey for a meaningful and purposeful life!