
You Are Getting Sleepy . . . 

You are sound asleep and dreaming. Perhaps you are dreaming about falling. A very common dream. All of a sudden you lash out wildly to stop yourself from falling. You are now wide awake and sweating profusely. But you weren’t falling. Not really. Yet your mind convinced your body that you were falling and your body reacted as if it were. How?

What Really Happens During Hypnosis?

During sleep, the unconscious mind is more open to thoughts and ideas than it would normally be during waking, conscious times. The mind is more guarded in the conscious, waking state and is less willing to believe things it doesn’t like or isn’t used to.

Relaxation Allows Change To Occur More Easily

Through hypnotherapy, a person gets themselves into a deep state of relaxation (not sleep!) in which the defenses of the conscious mind are less strong, less on-guard. This makes it easier to change thoughts and beliefs because the unconscious mind is more willing to accept them as true.

Stay More Positive

By reinforcing positive thoughts, ideas and beliefs at the unconsciouos level, deeper and more lasting change is possible.

Call today at (516) 410-8241 and see how hypnotherapy can help you